Scoliosis is defined as a medical condition in which a persons spine is curved from side to side.
Types of Scoliosis
Congenital (vertebrae deformation)
Early onset (birth to puberty, 10 years old) Idiopathic
Adolescent Idiopathic (above 10 years old)
De Novo / Adult Degenerative (>age 50)due to wear and tear
Neuromuscular (eg. spina bifida, cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy)
Syndromic (connective tissue disorder eg. neurofibromatosis
Some Signs of Scoliosis
One shoulder higher than the other and further forward
Rib hump do to rotation
One hip higher than the other and more forward
Clothing hangs asymmetrically
Facts about Exercise and Lifestyle
Curves can be reduced by up to 32%
Pain can be reduced (Schroth 1992, Green et. al 2009)
Lung capacity and chest expansion can improve (Schroth 1992, Otman 2005)
Untreated scoliosis progresses up to2.9 times more in those in corrective exercise programs (Weiss et al 2003)
24-28% fewer spinal fusions with those in exercise programs (Rigo 2003)
Personal Training sessions available