Back Care Course – Leader: Chris Owen
I attended the virtual 6-week “Back Care Course” led by Chris Owen between 9th May and 13th June 2020.
Over several years now I have attended the weekly “Yoga for Fitness” sessions led by Chris Owen. These initially took place at the Angel Leisure Centre in Tonbridge, then at the Methodist Church Hall, Higham Lane and more recently, during the Covid-19 lockdown, on-line via Zoom. I have also recently been participating in the weekly “Body Conditioning” sessions, also by Chris Owen via Zoom.
I have therefore come to appreciate Chris Owen’s courses and to recognise her abilities and knowledge of the subjects she teaches. Her style of leadership is excellent, which is at all times friendly, understanding of individual needs, patient and with a good “yoga mat-side manner”. I fully appreciate her ability to successfully plan and manage the training sessions and to engage the various participants.
I enrolled on the “Back Care Course” because I have had a long-term sore lower right back and hoped that I might be able to be able to manage it better and even to achieve some effective improvement. Each of the six sessions was different from the previous and involved mindful breathing and loosening up exercises followed by relatively slow movements aimed at achieving hydration of the back and to soften any tensed muscles. Each session contained opportunities for discussions with Chris and the other participants. In addition, we were encouraged to practice the exercises at home between sessions, which was facilitated by Chris who provided videos of the key exercises.
At the end of the course, my back was definitely less sore, but more importantly I had a better understanding of how to better care for my back in the future, whether by doing the exercises taught or by standing/walking in a more appropriate manner. I would recommend this course to anyone wishing to look after their backs and bodies.
David Carden 16th June 2020
Back Care Course – Leader: Chris Owen
I attended the virtual 6-week “Back Care Course” led by Chris Owen between 9th May and 13th June 2020.
Over several years now I have attended the weekly “Yoga for Fitness” sessions led by Chris Owen. These initially took place at the Angel Leisure Centre in Tonbridge, then at the Methodist Church Hall, Higham Lane and more recently, during the Covid-19 lockdown, on-line via Zoom. I have also recently been participating in the weekly “Body Conditioning” sessions, also by Chris Owen via Zoom.
I have therefore come to appreciate Chris Owen’s courses and to recognise her abilities and knowledge of the subjects she teaches. Her style of leadership is excellent, which is at all times friendly, understanding of individual needs, patient and with a good “yoga mat-side manner”. I fully appreciate her ability to successfully plan and manage the training sessions and to engage the various participants.
I enrolled on the “Back Care Course” because I have had a long-term sore lower right back and hoped that I might be able to be able to manage it better and even to achieve some effective improvement. Each of the six sessions was different from the previous and involved mindful breathing and loosening up exercises followed by relatively slow movements aimed at achieving hydration of the back and to soften any tensed muscles. Each session contained opportunities for discussions with Chris and the other participants. In addition, we were encouraged to practice the exercises at home between sessions, which was facilitated by Chris who provided videos of the key exercises.
At the end of the course, my back was definitely less sore, but more importantly I had a better understanding of how to better care for my back in the future, whether by doing the exercises taught or by standing/walking in a more appropriate manner. I would recommend this course to anyone wishing to look after their backs and bodies.
David Carden 16th June 2020