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Hypopressives the missing link in core, pelvic floor and postural training. It is suitable for men and women of all ages lifestyles and fitness levels. Hypopressive is the term used to describe a decrease or reduction in pressure. So hypopressives is a form of exercise that pacifically targets the core and other muscles without damaging your abdominal wall or pelvic floor by reducing pressure in this area.


Hypopressives has been practiced in European countries for 30 years. It was first discovered and studied by Dr Marcel Caufriez, as a safe and effective way for postnatal women to strengthen their core after childbirth as many of the tradition abdominal exercises undecidable. Everyone can benefit from hypopressives Hypopressives, using it as a preventative method, to improve resting tone of the core which will decrease the waistline , to help prevent and treat back and posture problems, incontinence issues, pelvic floor prolapse, sexual dysfunction, hernias including vertebral disc hernias, breathing and respiration issues.


Hypopressives is also now used as a building block for regular exercises and athletes as a fantastic stand-alone form of exercise with numerous benefits. Hypopressives are best learnt 121, many people begin by attending a 2 hour workshop, to learn more about this discipline and then choose to go onto the one to one training.


There is now training and backup in the UK, which I am proud to be one of the First trainers to be qualified in level 1 and 2.

Who will benefit from Hypopressives training?
If you wish to prevent or treat the following:
  • Back Pain 
  • Hernia (including vertebral disc hernia)
  • Incontinence 
  • Sexual Function
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse  
  • Poor Posture
  • Prostate Issues
  • Breathing and Respiratory Issues​
If you are in the following categories:
  • Post Natel Women
  • Menopausal Women
  • Men Over 50 
  • Athletes  of any discipline
  • Regular Exercisers




Curious as to what hypopressive exercises were, I signed up for Chris’ workshop.  I went along and was greeted warmly by Chris and the other ladies whom I had never met before.  We all relaxed and chatted whilst seated on yoga mats and Chris explained to us very clearly how hypopressives could benefit us and what we were about to do.  (I was immediately interested in the fact that I could tone my abdominal muscles with the exercises without doing excruciating crunches as well as improve my posture!).  Chris then taught us hypopressive breathing techniques and we worked through a series of postures (standing, hinged, sitting and laying) and applied these.  I liked the fact that Chris demonstrated everything (and several times if we asked) and she was always so active in helping the group and correcting our positions.   What was also great about everything was that there was no competition at all within the group and we were all happily getting on with our exercises in our own time.  I would thoroughly recommend Chris’ workshop.  What did I get out of it?  I came away having learned something and had also exercised quite intensely without realising it.  I had done something that was beneficial to myself.  In addition, I had met some friendly people.  The workshop was so interesting and enjoyable that I am motivated to continue the exercises at home and shall do so using Chris’ Workshop Worksheets.   Hypopressive training is quite niche and I think I am lucky to have had the opportunity to do it and especially with such a brilliant teacher!xt  lL

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Kate Bailey

I have been going to Christine's Pilates Classes for some 5 years and recently attended two courses of six weeks each of her new Hypopressive Classes.  Christine is a very dedicated fitness instructor in all her classes and I found the new Hypopressive Class very enjoyable, helpful and most beneficial,  particularly for me learning how to increase strength in my pelvic floors! I can rejoin the course at any time in the future.   Christine has the ability to explain things in such a way as to make sure you understand what is required, will correct your posture when needed,  and her commitment is such as to make sure each attendee gains the most out of each class, and always tells you to ask if you do not understand.   You are getting one-to-one instruction albeit you are in a class, which is a skill in itself.  She is keen to share her skills and knowledge and in so doing makes sure that every person attending fully understands and gets the most out of each class whilst enjoying at the same time.


Having done a Hypopressives Workshop the prescribed exercises have really helped my breathing and posture problems. I use these everyday as part of my fitness routine.

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